5 reviews by Nick Price..
Pro Wrestling

From: Nick Price
Comments: I used to play this game when I was 4 years old. I've been searching around the web for it for days, and now I've found it. I really loved it, and the 'plane' cutscenes sprung the game back into my mind a few days ago. I loved beating my mates in matches and the wrestlers' heads which were all but irrelavent to the bodies. Great stuff.


Great Football

From: Nick Price
Comments: When I was little, I used to love American Football and would stay up till 1 in the morning with my Dad to watch the Superbowl. I don't like the sport anymore but this game was always great. I used to play it all the time and I remember choosing it for my Christmas present.



From: Nick Price
Comments: Wow! Me and my cousin used to play this all the time at my uncle's house. I borrowed it countless amounts of times. The stairs were hard as catching a falling poo, but I loved driving around and planting the Ghost Catcher down. So satisfying.


Alex Kidd in Miracle World

From: Nick Price
Comments: Me and my cousin used to play it all the time considering it was "built in" to PAL Master System's at one stage. The 'Paper, Stone, Scissers' moments were awesome.


Bonanza Brothers

From: Nick Price
Comments: God! This was great. I loved sliding down from one building to another on the rope. And the satisfaction of getting the job done. Hiding behind walls was also enthralling.
